Pornește în
călătoria ta către performanță
Pachetul verde
Recomandat pentru managerii cu o experiență între 1-5 ani în managementul echipelor. Managerii și persoanele care sunt la începutul călătoriei personale spre dezvoltare pot beneficia de un mod de învățare adaptat perfect contextului în care se află.
Pachetul verde include:
• 1 ședință de Consiliere în Dezvoltare
• 5 ședințe de Coaching Individual
• Participarea la 7 workshop-uri în sală sau sesiuni de Coaching în grup
• Participarea la 5 webinarii/ workshop-uri online, la alegere
• Ședință Consiliere Stres sau Consiliere Work-Life Balance
• Acces la servicii de Self-Learning
Despre programul
Călătorie spre performanță:
ALTE Testimoniale:
I've known Mihai since was a coach and consultant for CODECS, in 2004-2005. He's a true inspiration, makes you feel instantly comfortable with yourself and able to reach new goals. His attention to details is remarkable, and always turned towards the positive - he expresses encouragement and helps you keep your eye on the ball. During two-three days of training with him, people change - they become more aware, more focused. That's what I call a real coach.
I have had the pleasure of working with Cristina a couple of times over the past few years. Cristina has been co-training with me in cross-cultural sessions with main focus on Romania. I find Cristina to be extremely knowledgeable and a solid resource in the intercultural space, and she is good at meeting our participants “where they are” and has an easy way of adding to their competencies in order for them to become successful in their new environments, both in business and socially. Apart from her solid knowledge, Cristina brings a confident and pleasant manner and good energy to our training room.
Through the coaching programs developed within the company, we managed to support and guide the management line so that they unlock their potential so that achieve business objectives, increase performance as a team, achieving excellence in leadership.
Together with Daniela, the managers improved their communication skills, developed their managerial capacity and built synergies within managerial team. Following coaching program, they succeeded to overcome barriers, so that the results had a significant impact in achieving the company's objectives.
Dear George, I really appreciated your professional and exact to the point insights and support during our collaboration. I am grateful for the time and effort you took to share your thoughts and experiences with me. I have learned a lot and gained valuable knowledge that was otherwise not possible. Thank you for everything!
I was not comfortable to begin the coaching sessions, since I had my own preconceptions. But when I met Nicoleta, I discovered a coach who was listening to me with calm and atten-tion and also who challenged my convictions. Slowly, I begun to trust her and to feel comfort-able to discuss about any dificult situation I was facing. I understood that the way I was chal-lenged helped me to explore new ideas and ways of doing and were very helpful for me to manage different situations. Looking back to my evolution during the coaching process, I would recommend her with all my cofidence to anyone who wants to grow.